CBD and your skin

While more research is needed, CBD’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits may support skin health.

In the last few years, it seems like just about every type of product has a CBD-infused version. The health and wellness sector is no different, with the use of CBD for skin care emerging as one of the more prominent.

For those looking for natural, holistic solutions, products containing CBD – or cannabidiol – can be particularly appealing.

It must be noted in these post-legalization days that some topical products have also been infused with THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, but today we’ll just focus on its equally popular, non-psychoactive counterpart.

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Why include CBD in your skincare routine? While more research is needed, proponents suggest that among the main benefits from CBD are its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects; when added to moisturizer, it’s suggested it can promote anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties, boost skin hydration, help address acne, and act as an excellent dermal barrier.

With inflammation being a common cause of conditions such as redness, irritation and acne, in makes sense that CBD could help reduce these effects. As far as actual skin hydration goes, skincare products that include hyaluronic acid, as well as other moisturizing ingredients and CBD may be very good at preserving moisture and maintaining supple, smooth skin.

Naturally occurring antioxidants have also made CBD a popular addition to skin care regimens among those looking to reduce obvious symptoms of aging.

READ MORE: 6 great ways to incorporate CBD into your daily routine

Anti-aging lotions infused with CBD advertise their ability to alleviate wrinkles, brighten dull skin and reduce unwanted red skin tones by blocking “free-radical damage” and decreasing the appearance of inflammation.

Free radicals are highly reactive, uncharged molecules in your body that can damage biologically relevant molecules such as DNA, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Antioxidants help by preventing the formation of radicals, scavenging them or by promoting their decomposition.

Lastly, a study has examined the impact of CBD on skin barrier function and, although further research is needed, preliminary results indicate that CBD may enhance the function of the epidermal barrier, which would make it an efficient skin protector.

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