CBD help-line touted as first of its kind in the world


A new cannabis information line is now open for all Canadians to get professional medical help on medical cannabis and applications for CBD.

Spearheaded by Dr. Mohan Cooray, an assistant clinical professor at McMaster University and president and CEO of Cannalogue, the new free telephone information line is staffed Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST.

“The service we provide st Cannalogue is actually the first of its kind in the world,” says Cooray, who is a specialist in internal medicine, gastroenterology and hepatology. Cannalogue has a team of approximately 10 doctors, as well as nurses, nurse practitioners and other health-care professionals.

With potentially thousands — if not millions — of medical disorders that can potentially be presented by patients, Cooray says that his team of doctors and researchers and academics are equipped to “to speak to some of the medical intricacies, unlike anybody else.”

Cannalogue is a health-care technology company that is licensed by Health Canada’s for sales of medical cannabis products.

“The CBD helpline was started because we feel that, particularly in older demographics, demographics, there’s a huge stigma (that might) create fear, uncertainty and anxiety,” he says.

Potential patients are assessed, an applicable treatment is prescribed, and the patient can order the products from their website at cannalogue.ca.

“For myself as an assistant clinical professor with the department of medicine at McMaster University, part of my job is to provide higher quality education to everybody across the country.

“So when a patient does call with a rare disorder or a common disorder, we know the evidence, we know the applications, we know the details and … we’re able to cater to our patients, unlike anybody else in Canada.”

Patients have access to Cannalogue’s catalogue of products.

“They get access to the entire system, they place their order and the order is delivered it directly to their door.”

CBDHelp is can be reached toll-free at 1-833-CANNA-4-U (1-833-226-6248). Call backs can also be arranged at CBDHelp.