From our good buds at SFEvergreen:
Even if you ignore his 40 or so compilation albums, Willie Nelson has put out more than 100 records, including 68 solo projects and another 34 collaborations with other artists. Starting with his debut, 1962’s …And Then I Wrote, Nelson’s brand of easy-going “outlaw country” music has become an antidote to Texas’ occasionally rigid law-and-order culture. And beginning in 1985, Farm Aid, his benefit for American farmers staring down foreclosure, offered an earnest counterpoint to the blind optimism of “Morning Again in America.” In other words, the 85-year-old Willie Nelson has been the conscience of America’s heartland for almost six decades now.
And of course, the rascally Nelson is such an avid marijuana consumer that even Snoop Dogg couldn’t keep up. But cannabis has broadened further into edibles, so Nelson is keeping with the times. Along with his wife, Annie, the pot-smoker and agricultural supporter has now released his own line of hemp-infused coffee, Willie’s Remedy.
Why have a “Bloody Mary Morning” when you can perk up with the Red-Headed Stranger instead?
Congress rescinded the ban on industrial hemp late last year, and Willie’s Remedy combines three varietals of coffee beans from smallholder farms in the Santuario region of Colombia with organic hemp grown in Colorado. The result is a medium-dark, proprietary blend with a stimulating nose and strong cherry-cola notes, each cup of which contains seven milligrams of CBD. Worrywarts need not be alarmed over any possibility of accidentally waking-and-baking, either. Although hemp is Cannabis sativa, by law, it may not contain more than 0.3-percent THC. Getting high that early is, as Nelson once put it, “the last thing I needed first thing this morning.”
“Hemp production in America was stifled for so long, but it could now make all the difference for small independent farmers,” Nelson says in the accompanying statement. “Hemp isn’t just good for our farmers and our economy, it’s good for our soil, our environment — and our health.”
At $36 for eight ounces, Folger’s crystals it ain’t. But Nelson isn’t just about wellness in the Gwyneth Paltrow sense of lifestyle embellishment. For him, responsible stewardship of the land dovetails with personal health. As he told SF Evergreen in 2018, “A lot of the big corporations don’t really consider the health issues. A lot of them are growing marijuana on land with pesticides and chemicals. We are 100-percent against that.”

He’s also against using paper filters to brew the coffee, since they absorb the hemp oil. That’s right, the man who once sang “Roll me up and smoke me when I die” is as particular about optimizing that coffee experience as if he were a barista at Sightglass or Ritual.
Since 2015, Willie and Annie Nelson have worked with proprietors in the ever-expanding list of states that permit adult-use recreational cannabis, and in that time, the research on CBD has demonstrated more and more health properties. Overall, their company Willie’s Reserve hawks plenty of items that contain THC, and the Nelsons are set to roll out a bunch more CBD-only products throughout 2019, among them confections, vaporizable hemp oils, and topicals. Truly, we’re living in the Promiseland.